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移動偽裝 Mobile Camouflage

國軍制服隨著時代歷經四度改造,最早是1950-60年代的卡其服,1970-80年代換成草 綠服,90年代升級成闊葉迷彩服,現今則是數位迷彩服。數位迷彩是一種由「像素」組 成的新式迷彩,不同於傳統迷彩的平滑邊緣,數位迷彩的散亂無序,具有更佳的隱蔽性。 國軍透過中科院挑選全台16處不同地形取景分析,研發出台灣專屬的數位迷彩圖案,展現固守台灣的戰略思維。

Mobile Camouflage Military uniforms have been through four stages of transformation. The first generation was the khaki design from the 1950-60’s. in the 1970-80’s it was changed to a grass-green color, then in the 90’s it was upgraded to jungle camouflage, and today it is digital camouflage. Digital camouflage is a new type of camouflage, which is composed of ”pixels” rather than the smooth edges of traditional camouflage. The scattered disorderliness of digital camouflage provides better concealment than previous designs..

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